Developmental Editing

Are you ready for your story’s parts to click as a dynamic whole?

A developmental edit will delve into its layers and help you discover how to fit everything together.

The Critique
I’ll take a close look at how your book’s main elements—character, plot, point of view, setting, and theme—are working together to tell your story. (Creative nonfiction projects, including memoir, are stories, too.) As I’m reading, I’ll mark places where you could compress or expand your narrative, alert you to your writer tics and style quirks, and note gaps and inconsistencies. In terms of craft, such as tightening dialogue, I’ll make some suggestions. If there are repetitious errors, I’ll point them out within the first 10 to 25 pages.

Working with a complete manuscript that has a beginning, middle and end—even if that’s still rough—I can reflect on the story’s entirety, which includes the way characters change (or don’t), the narrative’s arc, the story’s structure, and more. If the work is still sorting itself out, there will be hints scattered in the text about what the story and who the characters want to be. My written critique will include recommendations to fine-tune the big picture; insights into the story and its characters; and questions and suggestions to guide your revision.

What You’ll Receive
Your manuscript will have Track Changes and margin comments, and you will receive an editorial letter. Manuscripts with few margin comments typically have longer letters (four to 15 pages), while those with many margin comments often have shorter letters (three to 10 pages).

Post-Critique Support
You may schedule an optional one-hour phone conversation within 30 days after I return your manuscript and/or email me on occasion with questions for three months after delivery.

Word Counts and Flat Fees
25,000–37,500 words—$2,000
37,501–50,000 words—$2,300
50,001–62,500 words—$2,600
62,501–75,000 words—$2,900
75,001–87,500 words—$3,200
87,501–100,000 words—$3,500
100,001–115,000 words—$3,800
115,001 words or more—Request an estimate.

If you want a critique of a work that’s fewer than 25,000 words, contact me for an estimate.

Note: I edit toward excellence. Whether you’re planning to self publish (where there are no gatekeepers) or publish traditionally (where they are legion), you’re going to get the same thorough, honest critique from me.

If you’re interested in working with me, send an email to ronlyndomingue [at] gmail [dot] com.

Please include the following information.
1. The title, genre, and total word count of your work.
2. A brief synopsis/description of your project.
3. A brief overview of your publication plans (get an agent, submit to a small press, etc.).
4. Attach your manuscript's first 50 pages. Microsoft Word or PDF.

I’ll read your material and contact you within five business days. If it looks like we’re a potential match, we’ll schedule a free, 20-minute phone conversation to talk things over.